Hope you all read Post 1 and Post 2 and here’s my third post on sources for the exam…
As you may have noticed, the numbering here is a continuation of the Post 1 & Post 2.
7. Strat OG– From RCOG web site.
Many have asked me whether it is important to subscribe to this. I know it is not free and have to pay for it. But it’s a vital source of information. It easily sums up the information you have already acquired. I found it good as a revision tool.
There are MCQs and EMQs provided at the end of the tutorial’s main and subtopic. It helps you to test yourself and also helps you understand which information is more important than the other.
As I said earlier in one of my posts, one needs to maintain a ‘Little Notebook‘ for revising in the last minute. This notebook should contain information obtained from the Strat OG- like the percentages of conditions etc.
I also know it is very vast, and if you run out of time, at least read the summary of each topic. So even if you can’t read any textbooks, get access to Strat OG and use it. Attempt all the questions. Remember the answers provided.
8. Special Topics
FSRH- Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare: Home for contraception-related questions
ESHRE- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology for Endometriosis, Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
BSH GUIDELINES-–Guidelines | British Society for Haematology for certain Hematological conditions like SSD, Thalassemia screening and Iron deficiency in pregnancy.
9. Practice Books :
Basically, you may use any book to practice SBA & EMQ. There are so many choices in the market.
The more you do, the more the practice you get. I’ll just mention the ones I did and you can purchase it from the Amazon’s bookstore. I cleared my exam some time ago and there are many new books published since then, the choice is yours.
You all might be wondering why I did an MCQ book of D. Luesley- Though it was MCQ questions, the facts were quite informative, as it provides good explanations.
Lastly, I also had access to the Volume of 50 SBA in Obs & Gyn provided by Strat OG. Which I found quite useful. You have access to it, once you purchase it, for 6 months.
Well, this ends my Recommended Reading for Sources in a nutshell series. There are few extra topics you need to read for Oncology, Statistics etc- They are in a separate post.
Stay Glued.
Hi Dr Anjana.. thanks for the amazing guidance you have been giving. Just wanted a small clarification. I ve got a trainee registration with rcog. So I have access to strat og core training . Should I pay for exam preparation and advanced/ Cpd tutorials as well.. or core training is sufficient for part 2?
Hi, Core training is usually sufficient. but buying the sample exam questions on SBS & EMQ would be beneficial.
Dear Anjana,
I have for the longest time wanted to prepare for the part 2 exam. I can’t find a study partner so now I plan to just start on my own. I’m really confused where to start. some say read all of stratog then guidelines. what do you advice? Reading through stratog is time consuming but if you say it’s beneficial I’ll read the 98 tutorials. please advise what to start with. Thanks.
Dear Maliha, At some point – YOU NEED TO SIT AND START READING SOMETHING- that’s how you start- contemplating and contemplating will not get you anywhere.
Can start with the RCOG guidelines first. Understand them. But know that guidelines- are guidance to the subject matter- so read the subject matter – may be from strat OG or text book. Eg- if you are reading a guideline managment of Ovarian cyst- you need to know all about it, not just how to manage- so simultaneously can read strat OG for that topic.
start some where- All the best
hi anjana,just wanted to ask what all we have to subscribe in strat go..is just exam preparation which includes sea and emq’s sufficient?
Dear Anja na in core training of Strat OG there r few EMQS and SBA but for busy spr there r lot of SBA and EMQS as I have no time to listen to tutorials in STRAT OG. Still should I buy STRAT OG core training m
Hi Saba,
Yah the number of SBA and EMQ are less, but they provide enough information needed for the exam. Also it’s direct from RCOG, unlike BusySpr.
I didn’t spend time on Busy spr as it is just too many questions. One cannot finish it, nor understand which questions are important.
You don’t have to listen to the tutorials in Strat OG- I saw videos only for OSCE.
Can u please help as to how to start with? Is it the guidelines alone or along with emqs?
Guidelines are the 1st step, but until you have read something on other sources as well, it might be tough to answer the EMQ. But no hard and fast rule. You can either do questions along with reading, or if it is the 1st time you are reading them, may give a try just reading at least once before attempting questions.
Hi anjana….This is indeed a great help to those prep for mrcog.I was planning to sit for part 2 in sept but not yet started studying.it’s already march 2.so will it advisable to go for this sept exam itself or should I delay till next March. . as I haven’t started yet
Hi, Please read my blog on “to do or not to do”. I have discussed the timing. It would be un wise for you to delay preparation.
Thank you for the guidance
Thanks a lot dr.anjana.can u tell more specifically about strat Og.wat tutorials should we subscribe .only core training or all tutorials?? Also is trainees registry useful
I used only the core training for written. But for OSCE I used the other as well. I was not registered as a trainee. But I guess it would be useful, as you get access to Strat , TOG etc
Just to know can we read all the journals of tig and reproductive medicine biz it is very difficult to retain all the things . And also want to know from where we coat the percentages biz every where is different even some percentages are different in nice and gtg guidelines so from where we coat kindly guide me thanks waiting for your reply
Hi I have already written posts on TOG & OGRM- where I discuss on what to study & how much to read.. Please do read them.
I also discussed on the percentages- In my opinion- GTOP, Strat OG, TOG, Then NICE, lastly OGRM to be quoted.
Thanks a lot.your guidance is very imortant.I strictly follow your advice
I am honored by this feed back. I’m simply stating what worked for me. You can develop your own techniques methods. All the best.
please tell about source of stastics
Next blog on Statistics coming up. Stay glued.
Excellent. Well done
Thank you for the feed back. 🙂
Thanks a lot for your efforts. …pls tellegram me where to read statistics
I also want to ask abt odds ratio n confidence interval gvn in rcog guidelines hv to remember. ?
Next blog is on statistics. No you don’t have to remember those numbers. Just know whether it is statistically significant.
Thank you so much for your efforts in providing us with first hand guidance for this difficult exam. May Allah bless you abundantly Aameen.
Dr Anjana I will be sitting the exam this March ..hardly two weeks from now.have gone through few books you have mentioned here.wanted to know if all the answers in Rekha wuntakal and Justin konje are reliable as I found few emq answers by konje controversial. also wanted to know if it will be useful to do all mcqs in Rekha wuntakal .
Waiting for you response. Jazakallah khair.
Wow only 2 weeks to go… Sometimes there can be discrepancy in answers.
Don’t worry too much about them. You read the guideline and follow what’s in that.
Rekha- I used the EMQ only. Didn’t have time for mcq.
Thank you so much dr anjana 👍🏻
You are welcome !
Thanks a lot dear,God bless u.
You are welcome. Do let me know what you all would like me to write on.
Thanks a lot dear may Allah bless you for your efforts
Glad to help. Do share the page among your colleagues….
Aha Thank you. 🙂
thanks a lot
You are welcome. Keep glued for more blog posts
Thats a great great help , thanks alot
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