Well not everyone has the opportunity to work in an UK clinical environment or where the UK guidelines are frequently practiced. Thus yielding an uphill task while reading for MRCOG Part 2 exam.
So for those who do not work in such a place, for the sake of exam, you all need to forget what you might usually do at your local practice and think like UK trainees.
Eg: CS is usually not the 1st answer for many case scenarios. Assess the need for Conservative Mx, FBS, Instrumental delivery, Informing the Consultant- before you opt for CS. But remember usually at exam you are ST5 level trainee and able to take appropriate independent decisions.
LW management forms a bulk of the questions in exam, and the most tricky ones to answer.
Practice is the key to manage these questions. Learn the CTG, NICE guidelines well and do many EMQs as possible.
Well, that’s about it for now. Please also read on how to answer type one questions and let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to address in the upcoming posts.
I m weak in EMQ section
Hi, practice more and more EMQ questions.
salam to all.dr anjana you are really helping us n i feel you like a torch in darkness.thanks dear definitelt we ll ask you for all our queries..i want to ask that please specify percentages v definitely need to remember as in guidelines they have given references of various studies n alots of percentages which i dont think v need to remember.what do you advice?
Salam. Nice to know that you are finding the site useful. There are lot of percentage sin the guideline, some are facts- like the % of PE in pregnancy- which you need to remember, bu not % from different type of research studies. Most important % come in the “Introduction ” paragraph of a guideline.
God bless you ; You are the real helping muslim
Glad to help. If there is any particular topic to discuss let me know.
Great thank u so much
really waiting for ur guidance on NICE Topics
Its on the way. Will be posted tonight. Keep reading…
You are great Antananarivo as u are helping us
what is Antananarivo?
tanks dear please guide us about genetis and stats
Will do soon. I have written about stats in my FB page. MRCOG Tips By Dr Anjana . Pls refer to it.
How to memorise nice guidelines they are very lengthy …any tricks ?
Haha… some times, we need to memorise what we need to memorise.
But am writing my next blog post on that. An easier approach for NICE. Keep reading…
Thank u so much for ur help
You are welcome. Voice your queries and I will try to address them.
From where I can practice these scenario. Any recommended book for sba or emq after guidelines
As I mentioned in my FB- MRCOG TIPS page, I did the “MRCOG PART2- 550 MCQs, EMQs and SAQ book.
Also questions on Strat OG. But usually any book will do. Most of the books will give the answer based on the guidelines. But make sure they upto date.
Great ,thank u
You are welcome. Let me know what kind of posts you all need me to write about.
thanks a lot