In my first post, I have written about two types of MRCOG part 2 questions.
Here’s a quick look on how you can tackle one of the types mentioned in my post.
Retaining facts, basically memorising the vast amount of numbers/percentages for every condition is indeed a daunting task.
A simple thing which I did was, took a small note book and started writing all the little facts I might need especially for answering SBA.
I did this especially while I was doing the Strat OG questions or while using any other question book for that matter -and all the straight forward answers like % are my little facts.
Strat OG Introduction page for every title has some little facts which we need to remember.
This is NOT my main note book, but something for me to read a day or two before the exam.
So keep a ‘Little Facts’ note book – Refer, Revise and Retain the facts just before the written exam.
Do you practice any other methods?
you are v. generous.thanks alot
You are welcome… keep reading and spreading the knowledge
Hi dear dr anjana ..I want to ask something ..how much time in months should minimally be given to mrcog 2 preparation and how many hours one must study daily ..I am working as a resident in a busy gynae unit I am trying hadd to give ample time to study yet worried they may not be enough ..if u can guide regarding this it will ve a great favour of yours…thanks
Well it’s a tough question to answer. As it’s not the quantity but the quality of study you do. And it also differs between people who are starting at the very beginning and people who have studied or read things at least once and just need to revise. The usual average time required is about 6 months or more if you are a beginner. There are 2 aspects of this exam. Reading to understand, then preparing in an exam oriented way- like doing more and more question books and revising facts. I am not sure at which stage you are in. I have been reading for quiet a long time as I was a masters student. Try to get a study buddy. It’s not easy to keep things in mind all by your self. Discussing helps to retain facts. We were 3 of us who did this together, whenever we can. Other times alone. 2 of us are members now. and 1 just narrowly missed her osce by 2 marks. You need to make a schedule and religiously follow it. All the spare time is usually spent in exam prep. As we had oncalls for 36 hours straight, there were days which was impossible to study. So the timing depends on your duty schedule.
I know it’s very daunting. But You can do this. All the best.
Thank you so much for ur guidance..yes I am studying with a friend of mine..I am a third year resident and I have been through the full course and guidelines only once now started doing all the mcques and tog in an exam oriented way ..I will b appearing in next sep inshallah just gave this time bocoz its hard to study with duties…you are of a great help dr anjana its so nice to have you.
You are welcome. Keep going. You will be there one day.
Hi dr anjana I want to ask something . How many hours u used to study daily? And how much time (in months )should minimally be given to preparation of this exam? Actually I’m working as a resident in a busy gynae unit ..I’m trying hard to give ample time to study yet I’m worried whether its enough or not..please guide me regarding this it will be a great favour of yours…
Ty so much
It’s a great thing to do to help others.
Glad to be of help. Interact in the page with your questions and I will try to address them.
Do u HV 550sba book for part 2…many many congratulations for ur success’s.n u r doing a wonderful work for future mrcog examinee.
Thank You. I have only the hard copy of that book. You will have to find the hard copy.
Its very sweet of u to help others..because to start studying is such a daunting task that I have been procrastinating …but u r like an inspiration.. Thank u
Glad to know that I am an inspiration. Once you start, the flow will come. Don’t postpone study for tomorrow. And the tomorrow never comes. So start now. All the best. If you need any topics to be addressed do let me know.
Yeah these should b done the right way as u mentioned to avoid losing any easy marks!
Glad to help.
Do we have to do all nice guidelines.hankst
Do we have to do all nice guidelines
NICE is quiet vast. But there are few topics you cannot miss. I’ll write about them in later posts. Keep reading..
Thanks for your help .what references you advise us to read
Good question, but I did address this on my FB page. I will put up a post on this soon.Keep reading…