OGRM topics are reviewed and published every 2-3 years. Therefore I recommend that you read the latest edition. I have listed down the articles I found useful:
- Induction of Labour – 2013
- CS for maternal request- 2011
- CS technique and complications- 2014
- Analgesia & Anesthesia in Labour- 2013
- Instrumental Vaginal Delivery – 2013
- Malpositions & Malpresentations of Fetal head- 2012- has nice pictures
- Alcohol in Pregnancy
Medical Disease in Pregnancy:
- Renal Disease in Pregnancy -2012
- Neurological Disease -2011
- Skin Disease in Pregnancy
- Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy
- Hypertension Disease in Pregnancy
- Gestational Diabetus
- Pre existing Type 1 & 2 DM in Pregnancy
- Fetal macrosomia- (related to DM) 2013
- Implications of Obesity in Pregnancy – RCOG MOCK OSCE
Gynaecology topics to be continued…
Thanx for ur nice efforts I want to ask other than these sources any text book I need to read or not at all and re on end mcqs from where I will read , thanx for ur great help dr anjana
I want to take ORGM general how can i get it?
This journal is available online. Google for it. Wiley Online Library is an option. You may have to subscribe for it there.
Interact with friends. The best way to exchange materials is, communicating with people giving the exam
This journal is available online. Google for it. Wiley Online Library is an option.
Interact with friends. The best way to exchange materials is, communicating with people giving the exam
You mentioned that u will share share your personal notes and subject material which were collected over time whilst preparing for the exam.could y share these materials?
Do you summarised Togs for last minute revision?
Hi, what I am sharing right now in my blogs are an insight into the subject material. My personal notes are written in my own hand writing in many exercise books, which is an overwhelmingly difficult task to put on web site as I will have to sit and TYPE them. The best way is to summerise your own notes as it is easy to recall before an exam. I did not try to summerise all the TOG, just highlighted the important points and had a quick go through when I needed. Few TOGS dealing with medical disease in pregnancy eg SLE, I wrote down the points in a book as I was getting information on the same topic from other sources.
Please how can get this
This journal is available online. Google for it. Wiley Online Library is an option. You may have to subscribe for it there.
Interact with friends. The best way to exchange materials is, communicating with people giving the exam
Please inform more of question that came in ur exam like sba and emqs
Well, I will try to write a blog on that…. but best way is to join a FB page and follow them immediately after an exam where all the candidates discuss questions. ( Don’t miss out the next March one- if you are giving it after that)
I need this how can I purchase ?
This journal is available online. Google for it. Wiley Online Library is an option. You may have to subscribe for it there.
Interact with friends. The best way to exchange materials is, communicating with people giving the exam.
Interact with friends. The best way to exchange materials is, communicating with people giving the exam