No, I didn’t mean SBA & EMQ. Which is obviously the format of the MRCOG exam.
Question Type One: The ones that have a direct and straight forward answer.
- Percentages- OAB percentage in adults/ OHSS % after IVF/ Risk of recurrence of abruption/Shoulder Dystocia recurrence (This time questions)
- Treatment- severe malaria/ OAB drug/ Anti D dosage etc
- Drug side effects
- Instruments
Try not to miss out on these types of questions. They carry easy marks.
Question Type Two: This one is where you need to figure out the answer by clinical knowledge
- LW management- after CTG changes/ after VE findings/ Breach
- Diagnose the condition after- symptoms & signs/ pictures
- Ethics- abortion act
- Calculation- statistics/ genetics
For this type: many may come up with different types of answers at the exam and have various justification for them. And we would not know for sure.
These are just a few examples I just came up off hand. From experience, I feel one should not miss the easy marks. The journals and guidelines need to be Read and Remembered.
The next post is on how to tackle these questions. Go check that out!
Thank you for your help please what are the useful sorces for mcq
You are welcome. I hope you are aware that MCQ is NOT the format for the MRCOG part2 exam and it is EMQ & SBA. Nevertheless I did questions from Strat OG.
Hi, Can you please tell me that if there is online osce mrcog course . same like rcog London.
I did not do any OSCE online courses. So I am unable to recommend one, but I beleive an OSCE course will give you the maximum benefit, when you attend it in person, rather than online.
Thank you
Thank you so much. GOD BLESS YOU
You are welcome 🙂
Thank you so much
thanks for helping as this can only be rewarded by God Please write more mcqs and emqs that were in your exam also the osce stations in detail
You are welcome. OSCE blogs will come later on… keep reading
Great work dr anjana
Thanx alot this reaky big help
Thanks alot
Thanks a lot for your help , we always looked for the true experience of the exam , keep the good work up
Thanks for help..I appeared fist time in sep.exams…I even did not know about the syllabus n pattern of exams
Doing the ground work and being well prepared is winning half the battle.
keep reading this page- But I dont cover the basic facts- I beleive my reader should have the backround knowledge on MRCOG exam format. Please go through the RCOG web site.
Also read the posts I have published in FB page- MRCOG Tips by Dr Anjana
True .thanks
thanks for your help
it is a fantastic idea and idle way of teaching and learning …way to go waiting for more posts
Thanks aot
Thanx a lot dear , very practical approach , appreciate ur generosity to share ur hardwork with us. Stay blessed.
Thanks Anjana
It is a good directed guidance thnx
You are welcome!
Thanks a lot . how you can remember lot of percentage ?
Follow my next post. I will give some tips on how to do that.
Any specific books to be read for mrcog part2
I’m compiling all the source, including the books. It will be posted in the upcoming blogs. Keep reading!!
Thank you for being so helpful
You are welcome !
Thnkew very much for ur efforts, much appreciated
Glad to help!
You are welcome!
Heartiest congrates need your help & guidance to pass.
Thanks Tahira. Keep following the site. 🙂
Appreciate ur intelligence and ur lovely spirit
Thank You ! 🙂